Coppola Keratin Repair Serum-video review

Healthy Hair
Yes, it's that time again! Time for a video update. This go around I'm coming at you with a rave about my new favorite product in the whole world. I used my Coppola Keratin Repair serum for the first time last night and, let me tell you, life is good. This stuff does exactly what it says and (best of all) there's not even a hint of stiff hair burdened with protein overload. I didn't use high heat to set the Keratin serum in but I still feel like my hair benefited.

Remember, the main three qualities of healthy is strength, moisture, and elasticity. It appears as if this product is able to feed the hair with at least 2 of the 3 qualities. I talk more about the product in this video.....

roll em!


  1. So its like a poorwomans BKT?I'd love to try

  2. Its a great product. According to me very few products are available in the market which can fulfill three main criteria of healthy hair, but you are mentioning that this particular product is offering 2 out of three criteria. Then definitely this is a great product.


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