SUMMER SCALP CLEANSE | Your post workout, protective style, pre-poo scalp savior.

Healthy Scalp
Typically, I hit you with multiple posts on maintaining a healthy scalp in the winter.  But scalp care is just as important now as it is during the cooler months.

I have this paranoia about my scalp not being properly cleansed.  After receiving feedback from my hair analysis about buildup on the strands, I wondered if the same thing was occurring to my scalp as well.  To remedy this situation, I made the executive decision to add one more step to the pre-poo.

I'm aware that wash days are already an arduous process.  Including one more step only lengthens the duration. But, keep in mind that this step could have the power to promote healthy hair growth in a major way.

Going forward, I'll be toning my scalp prior to applying my favorite pre-poo product.  Basically, I'll do a scalp treatment before every wash and in between wash days (if needed).  The reason why this is absolutely necessary is because buildup on the scalp can block hair follicles.  Blocked hair follicles can lead to slowed hair growth or even hair loss.

To combat that, we need a system to remove dirt, oil and buildup.  I did a little looking around and found a product meant for the job.  Some of you might remember a brand called Seabreeze from the days of old.  They're most known for their skin astringent that keeps the face clean and oil free.  Turns out they also have a scalp toner that Amazon reviewers love.  Prior to washing, you rub a little toner on the scalp for a proper cleansing.

I was almost ready to click the BUY button when I decided to whip up a DIY version.  Sea Breeze contains water, alcohol, some essential oils and ingredients that remove buildup.  I thought, why not try a batch with witch hazel and essential oils.  Witch hazel is nature's astringent.  And by combining it with peppermint or eucalyptus essential oil, I'd have an all natural scalp toner right at my fingertips.
Witch hazel is great because it's completely non-drying. The essential oils add a bit of tingle that I love oh so much.  Scalp stimulation is my jam!  And let's not forget the healthy benefits of peppermint oil, which has been proven to promote hair growth and eucalyptus, which can increase the ceremides of our hair strands.  I don't know about you, but this sounds like the ultimate scalp toner to me.

If you are rocking braids this summer, you'll love this scalp toner.  This tonic could also serve as a post workout purifier.  Let's not forget that we can also treat our scalp with this prior to a circulation promoting massage.  I'll probably whip up two batches, one for in between washes, and one with a wee bit more essential oil for a pre-wash treatment on the weekends. Go easy with the essential oil, that stuff is really strong and adding too much of it could irritate your scalp. Just a few drops is all it takes.


  1. Last night I mixed about 2 oz. of Witch Hazel with 5-6 drops each of Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Geranium and Peppermint oils in a spray bottle and applied to my scalp with Coconut oil on my ends as a pre-wash treatment. It was amazingly tingly and refreshing. I have seborrheic dermatitis on my scalp, so anything that will help calm that inflammation is always welcomed. Thanks for this recommendation, I'll be using this from now on.

  2. Would it help to add activated charcoal to this mix?

    1. Hi!
      Yes adding charcoal to the mix would be a great idea!


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