This Smoothie Ingredient also Gives You Strong, Shinier Hair

Healthy Hair
A couple of years ago, I was really passionate about making my morning smoothies.  I saw it as the perfect opportunity to layer in a bunch of nutrient dense ingredients into one, easy to consume, beverage.  In my quest to make the most powerful smoothie imaginable, I was always in search of the next super-ingredient.  One of my favorites was hydrolized gelatin. 

Initially, I bought this gelatin because it provided so many beauty benefits. Plumper skin, thicker hair, longer nails, less cellulite to name a few.  When I incorporated gelatin in my smoothies, I realized that it kept me fuller, longer.  This is part of the reason why many claim that gelatin helps with weight loss.  But that's not the only reason.  Apparently, gelatin helps boost metabolism while activating hormones that suppress our appetite.

I could go on and on about the wonders of consuming gelatin. But today, I want to discuss how to incorporate it into our healthy hair routine.
In my original post on gelatin, I briefly mentioned how it could also be a great addition to your conditioner mix.  But somehow, I forgot to try this out.  Then, years later, I happen to run across an article where Brazilian model, Duda Almeida revealed that she adds gelatin with her favorite conditioner to give her hair an "incredible glow."

Gelatin is another form of hydrolyzed protein, so I get why it's a great addition to a conditioning mask to fortify the strands. But, Duda alluded to the fact that her gelatin conditioner mix also makes her hair shine.  Now I'm interested.  Apparently, gelatin hair treatments not only strengthen the hair, it also directly impacts the outer appearance.   Shinier hair is just one of the wonderful side effects.  Others boast of healthier, more defined curls.

Keep in mind that gelatin is a protein so you are essentially doing a protein treatment if you incorporate it into your wash day routine.  This means that we must take precaution to avoid protein overload.  For instance, you don't want to go overboard with gelatin because a little goes a long way.  If I add too much of it to my smoothie, I notice the difference.  Same goes for the hair mask.  Next, you want to make sure to replenish your hair with moisture following the treatment.  For my first go around, I plan on mixing it into the most hydrating conditioner I own.  Apply the same rules you have in place for whenever you do a protein treatment.

There are a few gelatin hair mask recipes floating around online. Some are very simple with 1-3 ingredients. But since we want to make sure to protect moisture levels when incorporating protein, I thought I'd share this one from Naptural85.  She does a great job of layering in several moisturizing ingredients that balance out the protein.  Check out how shiny and healthy her hair looks afterward.

I'm bringing gelatin back into rotation in a major way.  It's the perfect little secret to help us get ready for summer.  Healthier hair growth, shinier strands, younger skin, boosted metabolism, reduced cellulite......does anything else compare?

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